E3D - Damp Pressure (e3d-damp.it)
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----------------------- E Q U I N O X E 3 D ------------- == == == ======================== == ============== = == = = == = = == = = == = = == = = == = = == = = == = = == = = == = = == = = == = = == = = == = = == = = == = = == = = = = = = = ===================================== == =========================== = = = = = = = == = = == = = == = = == = = == = = == = = == = = == = = == = = == = = == = = == = = == = = == = = == = = == = = == = = == = ======================= == ============= == == == -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " D A M P P R E S S U R E " This is my first "true" tune, since the very first ones I've done are way too much dangerous for release... I think the first patterns sounds like "Headthumpin'" from the Rush 2 videogame. D'okay...All the samples are ripped because I was in a tracking fury and I don't have enough CDs to sample. I excuse myself to all sample authors... I know, I know, DAMP PRESSURE is a stupid name, but it came in a flash. © 2000 E3D e-mail: equinoxe3d_hotmail.com
Sequencer Bass Drum Techno Cymbal SynthLead Handclap Rock Organ Cymbal Tick Crash Cymbal Techno Sequencer Snare Drum Strings Cymbal 2 Pan Flute Distortion Guitar Techno Cymbal SynthCrisis Sequencer Bassdrum Handclap Organ Clear Cymbal Crash Cymbal Roland 303 Tekknosekk Snare Drum Strings Cymbal Flute Distortion Guitar
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