An1m4t3d bungh0le p0w3r! (FA-BUNG.S3M)
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Future Assassin / ice A tune that actually sounds like cheesy demo-techno. Finally I was able to track a small, repetitive, yet extremely catchy demo-tune. Now if THAT isn't animated bunghole power, I dunno what IS. :) Some bitches ans compaints: Lev,Neurotic,Erise,BH,GH, Speedravr,CCC,ChuckB,Nec, MS,Nova,Mindriot,Fluid, Animix,AndrewM,Floss,Loser. Hugz and k1ss3z g0 0u7 70 3v3ry0n3 1 m1ss3d!!!
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This mod is very rich in sound, depth and texture. This is ough for studio music, tougher for mods, and damn near impossable for a demo, but it was pulled of, and nicely at that. Usually I'm not a really big demo fan, but I liked this one because of the the complexity. There is alot going on in this song. Any Amegia owner would cream on their keys to be able to produce a demo like this (well, they would have.)Channel-wise, this song was really well done, lots of action, lots of noise, maybe too much in some places, but good none the less