Fantasy runner (f-runner.xm)
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The Good StuffSummary
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┌────────────────────┐ │ by LoRdLaZeR │ │ Feb -00 │ ╞════════════════════╡ │FINALLY a new song! │ │It sure took time, │ │but I think this │ │track is great. I │ │guess I was a little│ │influenced by Jarre,│ │cuz this doesn't │ │sound like my usual │ │music. Hope you like│ │it too! │ ╞════════════════════╡ │E-mail: │ │sbe24990_post. │ │ │ │ │ │Dunno if I will │ │stick to Netlink as │ │ISP, but in one way │ │or another you can │ │always contact me if│ │you first go to my │ │homepage (see below)│ ╞════════════════════╡ │Homepage: │ │ │ ╞════════════════════╡ │ Song duration: │ │ >>> 5:30 <<< │ └────────────────────┘
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A very interesting composition by LoRdLaZeR. A he says in song info, it was influenced by Jarre. Well, if you follow someone's example, follow the bests, as they say. So did the artist here and that made him good :). This is a great tune! The melodies are very much in the style of Jarre. And they are cool! The synths in the background are also wonderful. The drumbeat is a little like dance (with those sweet woodblocks!), and generally the song is very rhythmic. Nice to listen to it, to stamp to it, to hum to it. Do I have to say more? Oh well, I'll just say: good work, man! With 32 channels and a fair number of good quality samples used, the artist has made a technically and artistically great song. Some well used effects are also there and work for the cool sound of the song.