"TABOO"by Factor/OBG (f-taboo.xm)
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"TABOO " by Factor/OutBurst Group Time:5mn Date:25.06.99 I NEED YOUR OPINION Please, write me: stepanov_nptus.ru ICQ: 35178726 Some of my songs you can find at my hp: http://music.acmecity. com/techno/239 Greetings fly to: ACiD Bee and other membaz of OBG. Else I want to say"Hi" to all visitors of the TRACKERS site and IRC chnl #TRAX RUSSIAN TRACKERS ARE THE BEST!!! *Niznevartovsk 1999* Factor/OBG '99 Sampled by: Khyron / Kosmic Deep2.wav Hihatop.wav 3.wav Zomby1.wav Ab.wav Zomby3.wav
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Hmm does this one sound good or what.. some great piano work in this one.. Its a little hard to classify as to what type of music it is.. but there are trance and instrumental pieces to it so it will have to suffice. This mod is mainly a piano piece with backing drums. and even though it is fairly simple, the music behind it is very well written, it just captivates you. There is also some great duel panpipe music towards the end. This one has earned pride of place on my HDD Boy, im struggling to find fault with this, so i'll highlight the good points instead :) All the samples are crisp and clear sounding.. very realistic. They've been intergrated together so well that there is no glitches at all.. Some nice 3d effects put in ass the samples pan the speakers.The mod is just over 5 minutes long which is about perfect for it. Very well done indeed.