DANCE!!!!! (drs-danc.xm)
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a new song by: !!!!!#_dr. SiMoN_!!!! called: <#!!!!!DaNcE!!!!!#> EARDRUM RECORDS_ 98.10.03 compo: dr. Simon time: 3:33 style: pianic trance title: Dance finished at: 3 oct '98 rate: 10 (ofcourse) play in ft2 e-MaiL: eardrum_records_ Piano012.smp Pianostr.smp Pianobas.smp Surfis14.smp DaNcE!!!!!!!! DaNcE!!!!!!!! DaNcE!!!!!!!! DaNcE!!!!!!!! Hihat1.smp Hand#009.smp Openhiha.smp Thebas04.smp Thebas07.smp Bass#014.smp
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Hrm.. listen once to it, and you know how it sounds after 100 times. It's a bit to repetitive... If you are looking for a good melody to resample, get this one! And get something new into the song. I can't listen a third time to the same boring melody ;) Nice lil fading trick with the kinda piano sample. The clapping beat behind the track sounds a bit to cheap. Actually it can't be more written about this song, since its a fast hack, with no special stuff in it...