Fa-a-a (fa-a-a.mod)
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The Good StuffSummary
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(c) 8.07.1998 15:55 EdUaRd ShAiHeTdInOv pRESENTs --RuSiSh TeChNo TwO-- ////FfA-a-A-a\\\\ WrItTeN FrOm OnE DaY. +-------------------+ |AMIGA RULES FOREVER| +-------------------+ OcTaMeD FoReVeR ! VoDkA FoReVeR ! DaNcE FoReVeR ! dEoDoRaNt Fa FoReVeR ! HeLlO AlL !!! MaDe In UfA Of BaShKoRtOsTaN. OlE - oLe - OlE - oLe - RuSsIa FoReVeR !!! SpArTaK MoScOw DiNaMo KiEv GaStElLo UfA ! BrAsIl ! ! ! FrAnCe ! ! !
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The music in the mod is quite annoying. It starts out simple and annoying and really puts you off to listening to the rest of it, and it finishes off somewhat complex but still annoying. The samples are a sped-up voice of someone speaking in Russian (annoying) a coin falling on the ground or a loose board creaking (really annoying) and the title sample, some voice going FAAAAAAA! (the most annoying). I can't help, not liking this song. There is a good beat latter, but it doesn't do much to save it. Technically this song really threw me. It started out very simply, like some old demo done on a 386. However, as the song goes it adds in complexity and depth, so near the end you are hearing all of the channels (well, as many as your sound card can play) and the effect is quite nice. If only the music was better.