Don't Stop (DS edit) (ds_atb.xm)
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*Remixed By:* *DreaMSectioN* *Duration:4:28 *Tracks:32 *Original Edit By: *ATB This Tune ROX!!! Greetz to: Squid for the samples and Vega,Marco,PoW Elwood,Lagoona, Dj Plastic,Fermus,OMP Dj OZZY,AWS,Reptile And many many more.. Oh I allmost forgot You!! :) Thanx for listening to my music.. Please Send me a note of what you think of this song.. Try Squids Version And tell us what you think of them and wich one is better and so on.... E-mail me!!! =) dream_section_hotmail .com
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
This is most likely the best remix of ATB's tune "Don't Stop" as well as one of the best introductions I've ever heard. There's so much at work that makes the song as good, if not better, than the original piece. With that aside, the piece starts off with a drumloop, bass, and a very awesome-sounding atmospheric string sample. The original ATB art isn't performed until 6 patterns later, apparently still introducing the track. The background strings were effective when they were used to introduce the song, but they seem to lack power when backing up the lead melodies. Maybe it's because they've been repetitiously played with short pauses through almost half the length of the track before taking a well-earned break, though one would have to listen carefully in spite of the melodies at play. To my ears hat's the ONLY issue hindering this track from its 10 rating. There weren't a whole lot of effect techniques used save for volume and portamento control, which was vital for the lead melodies. The samples were awesome as was the simplicity of the track in general. The note structure and progression was both emotionally inspiring and attractive to the listener. A most excellent piece of work overall.