#a fallen hero# (fallenh.xm)
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<IMPERIAL THUNDER> (Andreas Barman) oF Dark Knight /(presents)\ * * v* A fallen hero *v * * (c)1999 Sweden hello... Internal Zoulotion, [Swe]Icer, Persson, Spiral, dj Zpicha, Pmp, and.. :o) Bass Filtered by It-Alien Original XI by ?? VOX:M+F Hum 1 _R VOX:M+F Hum 2a_R VOX:M+F Hum 3 _R VOX:M+F Hum 4 _L Vatten.smp 303:Pipe Drums Drums Drums Drums Krftwrk2.wav Whitnoiz.wav _ heretic _ korg (polysix) #0028 24 khz sampled by AKA sampled by AKA sampled by AKA sampled by AKA Thunder 60's organ DC-Conga 2 piano&strings
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The title of this song suits the mood very well. It starts off with strings and an oboe to set the basic mood. Then it adds in a slow drum beat which leads to an even more depressing string set. It then goes into a hero type feel as it picks up and the strings go higher. The only bad thing about this song is that just as it gives you that dropping feeling it ends! Still, This song's one of the best songs I've ever heard! Through out the whole song there is left to right panning set on the oboe. The other instruments are set to certin locations from left to right while one string is goes from right to left. Other than those effects, the only other one that's really noticible to anyone who's just listening is the volume slides.