All Hallow's Eve (
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Ghostie Voices Snare Bass Drum Shaker Heavy Bass Drum Female Voice Piano Low Nightmare Twinkle Poltergeist Ghostie Voices Snare Bass Drum Shaker Heavy Bass Drum Female Voice Piano Low Nightmare Twinkle Poltergeist , A L L H A L L O W S E V E ^ ^ Well, everybody's always writing Christmas songs, so I decided to celebrate the OTHER 'spirit of giving' holiday. written / /- by (- i yo /- u r y o \ / I really have no idea what style this is. / ( - \|reetz All in #trax All in #cachat Most in #tmbg
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It's a very special piece of music. It sounds techno at the beginning and changes to a march style after a fantasy break. No real melody in this song but some interesting songs. Personally, I don't like but it could be appreciated by some people.... Some good samples and special effects that makes this song listenable. The drum (used for the march rhythm) is very boring at the end. This track definitely sounds as an experimental one.