Fatal Error in -1 (faterror.it)
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Fatal Error in -1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Composed by Fredrik "Eagle" Larsson. Song Length: 2min 43sec Music Genre: Parodic Melody/Rhythm Made: 26th January 2006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EEEEE AAA GGGGG L EEEEE E A A G G L E EE A A G L EEE E AAAAA G GGG L E EEEEE A A GGGGG LLLL EEEEE All samples are from the WINDOWS\MEDIA folder. I made this "song" just for the sake of fun. You either love it or hate it. =) Any resemblance to any other existing author, composion, song are total coincidences. If you have any comment, mail me at: chessmasterz89_hotmail.com If you want to make a cover or remix, mail me first for permission. I will not tolerate any sort of ripping! Useage in other software, projects or work is permitted at my acknowledgement. Copying is permitted under private use. Commercial useage is not permitted! Do not force me to get expensive copyrights on my music. It would mean the end of all my distribution and also all your downloading. After all, this is free! In any case you would like to see any other type of my work, like e.g. games, vist my website on: http://www.eagleworld.tk Thank you for listening and/or reading, keep your eyes open for more tunes! -Eagle, the Author Soul
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