~Final Chapter~ (fchapter.it)
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=========================================================================== ~ Final Chapter ~ composed by Aqualife ------------------------ I composed this track for x-mas / new year. It's kinda farewell for really GREAT music year 2001. I hope that year 2002 is as good as this year was...it's time to thank u again for down- loading my tracks, thanx 4 u all! I have not internet connection at the moment, so I must release this at January 2002. See u, have a great MUSIC year 2002!!! -Aqualife- 11th day of December 2001 e-mail> aqualife_luukku.com Track Information: ---------------------------------- Composed> 08-11.12.2001 Released> January*2002* Lenght > 2.10 Channels> 26 Patterns> 22/22 Speed/T > 005/127 ---------------------------------- ===========================================================================
acidcoil ------------------------- ⌂AQUALIFE⌂ 2001 ------------------------- closedhihat openhihat strings pianostrings bass popsnare bassdrum leadsynth awe64piano cymbol hihatcym ========================= press shift + F9
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Well, this is a good track. A fast and well tracked song with a synth lead. The intrument plays some melodies and a very fast solo, which isn't actually a real solo, because it is just a couple of notes played many times. Anyway, I like it. There's much more in the song than the synth lead. A nice piano for example, or the pulsating strings in the backround towards the end of the song. All the instruments create a nice tune that is not boring, even if it's a little repetitive. The song goes fast and ends soon, after only 2 minutes. But the 2 minutes are filled very well. The lead's panning slide may bring various reflections - some people will probably say it is kewl, some may find it annoying. As for me, it slides just a little too much. Samples used in this tune are very good, except one all of them 8 bit. The strings in the beginning sound too much tracked thogh; that's because the notes are cut by following notes that are in the same channel. Good use of 26 channels and generally a very easy and nice in reception.