Hardcore vibes mix (dune.xm)
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HardCore vibes Mixed from 95-raver's megamix First made by DUNE mixed by Dj Hazard of the Sream team we just greet everyone we know (it's to much to type) I hope you enjoy this you can contact me by mail and email Chris Geers Norgervaart1 9421 td bovensmilde NL Hugenex_amazed.nl write to Chris Ps: this is my first mix normaly i make my own xm,mod songs Bye for now (i'll be back) this megamix was... Bassd1.iff now the names of the songs in this mix !!! Binsou1.iff 2.sunbeam.outside... world Fxlive2.iff
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It sounds like dune, it smells like dune, but it isn't dune. It's a dune remix, and not one of the better I heard. If you want exactly the Hardcore Vibes song from dune, go and get the CD. If you want a remix of this song, go and make another ;) The author took the samples directly from dunes song (all I think) and then tried to regroup them to give the illusion that its the same song... I think the one thing which was the most difficult to do in this song was to get the samples. The rest could have been done by a clever script...