Draw nigh, O God (em_draw.it)
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Draw nigh, O God (4:16) by Eterman in 30.7.2000 0 Draw nigh, O God, almighty, as my weak soul wanders, knowing not the way. Shadows are gaining strength around. 1 Draw nigh, Eternal Father, thus I plead Thee, as my strength is passing by. Night is close and all the light will soon be dim. (chorus) # 2 Draw nigh, O God, for I am crying unto Thee. Draw nigh to me, who am so lowly and weak beneath Thy feet. (solo) 5 Set is the sun, and darkness comes before me bringing forth all fear, O Lord, draw nigh to me I pine to feel that I am thine. 6 Draw nigh, O God, I'm praying as I meekly turn my eyes upon Thy word, and submit my mind under Thy hands. 7 (chorus) # 8 (chorus) + Draw nigh, O God, for only Thou can bring me peace. Thy loving hand may hold my heart and then carry my soul homewards. 10 Draw nigh, O God, please grant me, understanding, that I'd better know your ways. (your ways) And thus I might help my neighbor too. 11 Bring me your peace, and promptings. Give me, meekness, for I want to know no sin. (no sin) It is my Savior whom I trust. 12 Set is the sun, but still I see light rising as my soul is filled with joy. Now I can feel, I am Thy son. 13 (chorus) + 14 (Homewards, back to Thee) -Hope the lyrics are not that bad English language. At least I find them very uplifting in context. Hope you do too. If there is a person to be credited for this composition, other than me myself, it must be my Heavenly Father, who loved me so much, that he sent his beloved son unto earth to die for me. Now isn't that at least marvellous? Other inspiration credits might, however, also go to Kurt Bestor and the great composers such as Handel and Bach. Calling their music "religional" does not sound quite sufficient enough. It's simply something more. And verily, verily, I say unto you, I could not have written this piece in time without help. Believe me. For although finished this during sunday, I still got help. It really felt like divine help and guidance. And is this piece not a unique composition? I really hope that this music and also the lyrics included might be of great joy to someone out there. -Harri Kivisto eterman_writeme.com P.S. Even so, more "religional" music is surely coming up. This was only a beginning. And, yea, is it not, that the dawning always appears the greatest?
Piano Classical Strings Solo Violin Clarinet Short Strings Short Strings Short Strings K2K Solo Cello Flute Crash Cymbal Trumpet Trumpet 2 Orchestral bckgrnd Men's Choir Women's Choir Harpsichord Time is short. No more comments. Have to hurry. Original Sample credits: Warder Polac St3vor Some samples from songs by Floss, Mental Trip and Dustbin, original sources unknown. Can't recall the righteous author of that cello. I'm truly sorry. I had to hurry in order to make it before the deadline. Apologies.
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