Harmathian Suite (em_harm.it)
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The Harmathian Suite for piano (5:31) by Eterman in 10.3.2002 Even though I have always played these songs with piano, it was still difficult to make a piano arrangement. I never considered these themes to be played by piano alone; I had written an arrangement for two guitars, a flute and vocals instead. However, when I heard of this piano competition I decided to try arranging these themes (from two separate songs) for a piano adding some melodies and ideas I had recently worked with. (and yes, it's written for a solo pianist) Yet again I have to admit there is little novelty in the main melodies. The first theme (pattern 9) uses a very simple tradition. The second one (pattern 7) has something new, yet nothing spectacular. The idea for the third theme (pattern 10) came from Radix's song "Rivendel - Tales of Mirkwood". The fourth theme (pattern 6) remains me of my earlier works with chordings (so nothing recent there either). The fifth theme (pattern 1) is pretty simple as well, although I find it intriguing in all its simplicity. However, in the sixth theme (pattern 8) I can notice some fresh elements that have been present in my recent works. The structure, however, I find quite developed, although I haven't used nearly all it's wide possibilities in this arrangement. I'm yet again gotten one step nearer to his "organic structure", a concept I've been searching for since the last couple of years. I've come to realize that it is not a certain formula, but a specific method of musical growth. It's all about getting the harmonic themes into interacting with each other; to drive them into a wild discussion. I've been trying to improve the tools, while it's the soil that needs improvement. This is no complete presentation, though, rather just pieces or fragments from a greater concept. Thus any specific analysis of the structure would probably not prove fruitful. But illusions aside, I'm fairly content with this piece. It has turned out even better than I expected. When I think of it, perhaps this is what I wanted to do all along. Afterall, I knew I had yet no tools for building this Harmathian symphony, of which I have been dreaming all along. Arranging this music for solo pianist I've got a change to better study the themes as a sequence rather than separate ideas. Greeting to people in http://www.funktio.org (Finnish site) http://www.modplug.com and #modplug (dalnet) #mod.fi (dalnet) #modarchive (dalnet) _And_ the fine individuals in TTR. Thanks to Crimson King for providing the spur for me to work this arrangment. Harri Kivisto eterman_writeme.com "They would most probably convince themselves that this land was taken amain from them, but this is not true indeed. Harmathia was apparently forsaken rather than just lost. Verily, 'they reached the skies but slew the grounds.' They marred their legacy, and for this reason only were they finally compelled to leave." "No wrath is greater than the one that arises from self-hatred. Moreover, no salve can be more effective than the one that springs from hope. And hope will arrive, yet not until time has worked the miracles, of which Lakolik tells us. For miracles are indeed many, yet few of them happen today. The greatest of them happened yesterday, and will do so until the end of time." -Protector Getoran in his letters to Cimmeon Simmel
Yamaha GP 1 Yamaha GP 1 smooth Yamaha GP 1 fast Piano C2 Piano F2 Piano B2 Piano D3 Piano F#3 Piano A3 Piano C#4 Piano E4 Piano A4 Piano C#5 Piano F5 Piano G#5 Piano D6 Piano G6 Piano B6 Piano D7 Piano F7 Piano B7 Piano F8 Piano B8
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