-- Empty Soul -- 6:32 - (emptysoul.it)
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"A man, with an empty soul, is a dead man. Walking around, with no friends, no enemies....just himself in a black hole....falling into darkness....screaming wanting love....a life that he can live......" PLEASE PLAY THIS SONG WITH A QUIET INPUT VOLUME AND ONLY IN THE LATEST VERSION OF MODPLUG TRACKER! IF YOU DON"T THEN SOME PARTS MAY NOT SOUND LIKE I WANT THEM TO! SORRY ABOUT THIS PROBLEM! PLEASE HAVE DIRECT X 8 INSTALLED TO PLAY THIS SONG, AS IT USES A DX8 EFFECT (WavesReverb) Empty Soul By: T-Dj Drop me a line at: teejman2010_hotmail.com -or- teejhenders_yahoo.com This song contains a drum loop from a song by Beck. I have got permission to use this loop. This song has been in production for 3 to 4 years, and i don't exactly know where half of my ideas came from. Its a kind of mix of my brain during this time period. Anyway, there are lots of bits that i want to change, of just plain get rid of, but i think that this has been in production long enou and that you guys should hear the whole thing. Oh and the text at the top? I've got no idea where that came from, so thanks to wrote it :-)
CLHAT1 OPHAT5 OPHAT5 CRASH1 Dr55hat.wav Snare714.904 Tomroll.008 untitled whopwhopwhopwhopwhop untitled untitled untitled untitled RIDE2 untitled untitled untitled untitled ? ? CLAPS untitled TauSweep2 untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled RIDE1 untitled untitled Bell trhing OPHAT5 untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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