The Last Answer (finalans.xm)
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John Marwin Presents: "The Last Answer" SONG INFO * * * * * Length: 8:25 Date: 2004.09.18 He stands before his old master, once again seeking his wisdom, all the master says is "visit the highest pain in the land for your precious answer" The former ninja bows and smiles to himself, remembering his old ninja training days. He sets out and finds the highest mountain in the land, tall , cold, and filled with ice and snow. Putting his whole soul into it, the former thief then begins his climb to the top in search of an answer to a question that is right now more important to him than life itself. The wind howls, and rocks mixed with snow , hail and then rain come tumbling down as he yells out his anger at the world for disowning him. the earth crumbles under his hands, the wind is his enemy his fire in his soul is fading, and water isn't with him anymore He's abandoned by all the elements now. The only thing he has left is the void in his mind, and he holds onto that with all of his remaining energy, still struggling to reach the top. Then at last, he's finally there, he falls into the snow on the ground and feels content with his achievement...... . . .. . . . .... ......... . .. .. . . ... .. . . . .... . .... . ... . . !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He wakes up suddenly from a slumber that might had been his death if he had fallen into it,all his limbs frozen in the cold, his warmth fading away in the air, he feels death near him........... panicking he again ponders the riddle the old man gave him, and then realizes how to get his final answer He has to challenge the world itself! He straps his katana tightly onto his back and then rushes and jumps into the chasm of the mountain. the air rushes past him faster and faster and he feels the last answer slowly form in his mind, and he then realizes that he in fact has to die to get it, then suddenly reality goes SNAP and he hangs suspended in midair, then he sees him, dressed in red clothes, with his devil red kabuki face. J/M/T/M: I could save your life you know *if* you agree to kill a person for me... the ninja ponders the offer and says: what is his name then? J/M/T/M: his name is John Marwin....... 01hitv~4.wav 03hitv~4.wav 04hitv~4.wav 05hitv~4.wav 06hitv~4.wav 08hitv~4.wav 09peda~4.wav 11hitv~4.wav 10peda~4.wav 10peda~1.wav 10peda~4.wav Break2.smp 10peda~4.wav Aggr0b~2.wav Square.wav Square.wav Cshda.wav Cshda.wav Bluecl~1.wav Blueop~1.wav Analogue.wav Lofiop~1.wav Square.wav A_strg04.wav Sweep.smp Saw.wav Noise.wav
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