Enile Dam 3 ; Spirit dancer (enile03b.s3m)
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(c) Poison Mick Ivy FeƤnar, the new Spirit dancer. somewhat different then the first version not just a different size, but... read the text closely, and you'll probably find answer to what is different! well, greetz to : Mr Jarno Guy and Bauke, StranGe and his compo, Q star and his girl, Elmer and his girl, thnx to : Madlyne no matter what, I thank you for this. and that's undefined. Poison Mick Ivy. "As the end drew near, they all waited... they wanted more... so I gave it them." Algon, words of knowledge. email adress : 100306.3720_compu- serve.com || Internet || 100306,3720 id = poison || compuserve || "the sad story of beyond now..." since the Enile Dam series was inspired on certain events in the social life, the modules got their name. Enile Dam. yet, with the situation kind of eradicated, I have a problem. I either keep calling my better then average modules "Enile Dam", but their meaning would be misplaced. I could also create a new line of module- titles. I do not have any idea what to call these, but I'll think of something. for now, it will suffice to say, that I won't stop making these KIND of modules, but that I am pretty sure they will not remain labeled "Enile Dam" ... mc Poison Mick Ivy. pretty definite version: 14 January 1996 A.d. revised version : 11 February 1996 A.d 180 orders 95 patterns. 23 minutes.
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