Fire Visions (
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~ ~ ~ Fire Visions ~ ~ ~ R E I K by N A G M WhY? Because I like staring into a fire and seeing things in the flames. What you see in the music is your problem. I had no particular reason for making this one, it is just a let's-start- and-see-what-happens. I started with the simple opening chords, liked the drum pattern, kept going. As it assumes its final form, I begin to wonder if it is a balrog ballet... Much grass to the Mod Archive for some of the samples, also MAZ and all the very cool programmers who made the various tools and toys, and all that blablah.
firecrackl wind4 CHEAPS_1.WAV CHEAPS_2.WAV CHEAPS_3.WAV thunder_short AMBIENCE.WAV FICTION1.WAV ominous13 bigbass13 BD21 SD13 TYPHOON9 Piano 1 Church Org.1 123fastecho 123gone fire wind maz maz maz thunder - short not too bad maz amb Ominous13 mazfx for a few days work my big bad drum korg? bd snare just for fun ;-) hh in my spare time which is all day Piano 1 Piano 1 Not like I couldn't be doing other things like cleaning or job-hunting or maybe sewing stuff that needs to be fixed. Whatever... Church Org.1 Church Org.1 Church Org.1 Church Org.1 Church Org.1 oops dropped bucket in the well
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