Equinox (equinox.xm)
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Equinox=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- By ShrubFire-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- (Name By: Sh_dow)=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- (My best song yet?)-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Play With ModPlug Programs! Made with ModPlug Tracker=-=-=-=-=- the best windows tracker in the world!=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Playing song with=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MODPLUG TRACKER=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- will make it sound better!=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Hope you enjoy my attempt at Jungle, I had alot of fun =-=-=-=- making it!! Please see the samples list for credits of =-=-=-=- samples. But I will say it anyway. Drum loops from the =-=-=-=- best drum loop program thats freeware HAMMERHEAD. the =-=-=-=- other drums are from MAZ-SOUND.COM, Thanks MAZ. I have =-=-=-=- also borrowed some samples from verious artists, list: =-=-=-=- Pedro, eXplore, and Sh_dow.-=-=-=-=-=-Enjoy=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- By the way my song message is:-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "Save the world and kill your self"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Finished in: 9 hours 30 minuets in small amounts, Finished: 09/XX/00 (I just 'kept adding on. . . ) Started: In the USA at the end of summer vacation. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Equinox By ShrubFire (See Comments) EQUINOX By ShurbFire Maz-sound.com Hammerhead Ripped (see comments)
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