Eternal Chase (
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Bells Ride Bassdrum Strings Strings Snare OrganLead Bassdrum Bass RimTap Tom CrescendoCymbal Crash Piano DistGuitar PalmMute GuitarLead F1.WAV F2.WAV F3.WAV Justin Owens I have claimed this song to be many things. It looks to me like I was wrong many times. This song is really about all of those people still on the eternal chase. The chase of their one perfect love, because it appears mine has ended. So, to all you out there still chasing that dream, see you at the finish line... ...if you ever get there.
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The song is splitted into different parts. Sometimes it sounds really like a ballad (use of synth) and another times it shifts progressively to a more "heavy" music by using a good distorded guitar. Nice song, but a little bit repetitive finally. Technically, this song is very good. I enjoy to listen to it because all the samples (both 8-bit and 16-bit are used) are fine. The only drawback is the absence of interesting song effects.