Evening (evening.it)
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Evening, by Manic siveHoneybee (F.AS if u know me) (around April 2000) I started this with 'functional' music in mind, ie. something you listen to whilst doing something else (actually, with RPG- style music in mind) but it turned out to mean much more to me, putting me in mind of obscurity in general(but especially that on the internet. You probably know what I mean, a great big pool of (mainly)the outskirts,the obscurities of culture, is the idea that comes to my mind). Of course this could just be me...but in the end, I'm always right MUAHAHAH superfaris_hotmail.com "Wbuh?"
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As the author notes, some JRPG influences are evident, especially in the chord progression, but it's much more than that. Sometimes it even feels rather jazzy. Nice tune.