Johnny's new motorbike (
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This appears to be PM's first song that he tracked in the IT format instead of sticking with Scream Tracker 3. Which is kind of sad, since there are a lot of people who still not familiar with the IT spec. The music sounds like it's streaming out of an adlib gold card. But the tunes are catchy! The samples are average, but they are crisp and clean. The song also makes good use of stereo effects.
Internal Texts *
Remix of Charts Overdrive Composed by Purple Motion Reedited by Filth Actually the title should be"Jonne's new motorbike" , but this sounds more motorbike style :) This song is wasted time, because Pm's version 1ooo X beter, but it is just such a cool song... There are 2 ways to contact me: Race over the digital highway and send something to: or take your new motorbike and race to: Koolweg 7o 6181 Bn Elsloo (the famous motorbike city) Holland Wondering why I called this song Johnny's new motorbike? Well, It sounds a little like "Big Honda 10cc"... Samples taken from 2pac/Zenith.
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Just to clarify, this tune is not by Purple Motion, it's a rather poor attempt at remixing his well-known "Charts overdrive-PM". You could call it "ripping" even, since it just sounds exactly like PM's tune, but worse. Same melodies, but boring samples. Listen to the original one instead.