Flutes Of Hope (flutes.xm)
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"Flutes Of Hope" Tracked By: ZPP & KLM (C) ZPP & U-Crew '98 XM FACTS: Title: Flutes Of Hope Duration: 3:27 Samples: 9 Patterns: 27 Size: 150 KB Words from ZPP: Well, my first co-op is done ... And it's really good because of the great KLM. I like what came out of combining our ideas ... I would make other songs again with KLM, every time - every where .... He is just a perfect tracker .... Words from KLM: So this is it... A co-op from ZPP & KLM. I think we did a good job... It seemed as if we had the same idea of this song should be..Which makes co-ops a lot easier.. I hope to do more music with ZPP in the future....or just forever..=) ZPP Greets: S3.4R Warrior X Novus Will Be KLM Greets: Warrior X Angel Power Hydropain Luminfire TechnoBot TSEC dIGITAL SWEEP Novus The Osiris Crew Placebo Lionheart and Aliena.... <TSEC> <Morbid Minds> <ORiON> <ORiON>
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Sorry but this one really put me to sleep. its just so uninteresting. Samples are fine, just the song that bites.