Rainbow Dawn (fly-rainbow.it)
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Song title: Rainbow Dawn Copyright Matthew Fuller 2000 Made by: TheFly www.flyweb.co.uk Date: 12-02-2000 Version 1.01 Well, it's well over a year since I tracked any full length song... and the ones I did before were rubbish anyway :) But now, finally, I've had some inspiration and put this little tune together. Although this isn't a particularly fast piece, it makes me feel happy, especially the piano-melody. I know the song is very repetitive, but seeing as it was tracked without the use of a MIDI keyboard (I had to type in every single note!), I think that can be forgiven, don't you? I have now corrected the terrible stereo problems that were present in the orginal version of this song. If you have the original version, delete it now! :) All samples are credited in the sample list. They came from: LittleElk TSEC (Lagoona) amongst others. Thank you! If you don't already know, I run a music compo on my website (www.flyweb.co.uk). There are two seperate compos - one for mods, and one for MP3s. Check out the site and enter your songs now... :) Greets to the following ppl: LittleElk Andreas Viklund MikeCB Jaq Herer Paw DJ Merlin Fairlight everyone on DALnet's #modarchive and all the ppl I'm sure I forgot... OK, I think that's about all I want to say for now. Dunno when I'll next make a song - could be a while ;) Anyways, if you need/want to contact me, then here are the details: E-mail: m.fuller_usa.net WWW: www.flyweb.co.uk ICQ: 20335895 IRC: #modarchive on DALnet Seeya soon, TheFly February 2000
High String -LittleElk ROLAND MC303 -LittleEl Shaker -LittleElk Bass Drum Acoustic Snare -Little Bright Piano -TSEC ntitled ntitled ntitled ntitled ntitled ntitled
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