Dreams of a Bitch (ex_bitch.xm)
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EXperience Factory Dreams of a Bitch 3.08 19(c)97 Norway Http:// home.sol.no/ ermyrvol/ OR www.angelfire.com/ok/ exfactory/ E-Mail: ermyrvol_online.no
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In this techno / rave module there are almost nothing new, which keep it interessting. Small changes for each pattern, some uninteressting bassparts and bad drums are only a few of several things. Something the composer should have used, is creativity. Continously bassdrums isn't the thing I like the most. Nothing which keep me saying "more, more, more" .. and technically this isn't complicated, or composed good. The rythm sux, with no changes at all .. and some ok samples. For everything I know .. I don't think many can say something disagree with this. So I don't recommand to download it....