galaxy ii (galaxyii.mod)
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This module has been spotlit!
Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 12th Apr 2013
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So far one of the MODs I enjoy the most listening to. Just a chilled, awesome tune! Love it!
This was one of the first MODs I ever heard and I still love it. After a very nice string intro the very catchy tune kicks in. The main tune shifts between 2 main samples and in between there is alot of synth like effects. The bass and rythem doesn't dominate that much, but they keep the beat steady. The song finishes off smooth and nicely. One of the things I think is cool about this track is the way the composer uses the samples, like he makes a drumroll out of one simple sample. Since this track is pretty old (Could be from Amiga?) the samples aren't anything to cheer wildly about, but they are good enough to not ruin the music. All in all this peice of music is a classic in my opinion! Shows just how much you can do with 4 channels.
Internal Texts *
ST-95:ffjunobass ST-91:minim3-2 ST-91:minim3-1 ST-92:nice3 ST-91:vocall ST-90:synthtom ST-91:minim3-4 ST-92:synthlead1 ST-90:ffwoodblock ST-90:smothbeep2 ST-93:cymbal2 ST-91:minim3-3 ST-92:horrorstring3 ST-90:Breakclap st-98:discobdrum.seq1 st-98:discowood.seq2 st-98:discosnare.seq3 st-98:discohihat.seq4 st-98:discosnare.seq5
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Great piece. Slightly shy and introverted, if a piece of music can be shy and introverted. That's it.