Atlantis (exc_atl.xm)
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The Good StuffSummary
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A T L A N T I S tracked by Excalibur Style: Goa/Psytrance Well, I think that this song is too short I ran out of ideas. (It always happens to me when tracking goa.) Drop me an e-mail, if you want to comment this song, suggest something or just want to talk with me. You can always contact me by ICQ as well: 30308849 Technical song info: Length: 4:18 Unpacked module size: 2756 kb Packed module size: (zip) 1450 kb Module type: xm Samples from: Mr.Smile, Psylent Buddhi, The Nuke and some unknown sources. Minä tykkään MB:stä, eikä MB:llä nyt suinkaan tarkoi- teta Megatavua tai Mikrobittiä. Tämän vain halusin sanoa. Aluekoodit ovat paska juttu, eikös? Bass lead Goabass Sweep Sweep Synthstrings Sweep Bdrum Hi-Hat Big Snare Boom effect Wobbling FX Wobbling FX (Shorter) Zap Astral sweep (cut) Signal beep FX Astral sweep (full) Bounce Hi-hat (closed) Dist. snare Cymbal crash Synth Strings Sweep Sweep Conga1 Conga2 Conga3 Sweep
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Very nice Goa / Psytrance. Many nice samples, good ideas and everything is just fine - but Excalibar is right: it would be even nicer if this tune was longer!