Theme of Flying H (flytheme.xm)
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- F L Y I N G H - E-MAILS TO: MEMBER OF: fAtAl pRoGrEsS GREETINGS: Merlin!!!, Manitu, Lurch, Asimov, Hein-X, Cobra, Keyboard, MAZ, Aka, Alma, Non, Harriet & extra3 ºººººººººººººººººººººº "Musicianship is not something that depends on the muscular movements of your fingers. It depends on your brain and your soul. Someone who makes great music on a computer is just as much a musician as someone who plays the saxophone, a completely physical instrument in my opinion. People who have a barrier about this don't really understand what music is." (Steve Hillage - 1995) composed after recieving a long awaited letter of grindy - and it was not worth waiting for! :-(( my pretty vocal sample TechnoKick Deep drum piano Snake1.smp Beat09.smp
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