Full Moon Rising (fmr.xm)
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Full Moon Rising ::(c):: andr0meda green 97 sound_devotion 97 nice.friend.mine love.you.shine see.our.soul all.becomes.one andr0meda(at)usa.net samples are from me, maz's Cd's, some audio's, some from mellowd and BH, and those great drums from whoever made em.. hope you didn't mind.. hope you like the song and yes I know it's too short and rambling but I kinda like moods more.. guess I'm just mellow eh :) oh well..
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Insomnia problem?... look no further.... my god what was he thinking? Hard to give this any sort of rating becuase its so hard to stay awake during this song. When you can actually hear anything, it IS a high quality sample