FoZiaK - Trancylwania (
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ÜÛÜ ÜÛÜ /_\ /_\ Û ÜÛÜ Û , /. .\ , |þ|_______|þ| Û /, - - = + + = - - ,\ | / _ ,/ \/~\/ | + | | + | FoZiaK - Trancylwania 01-11-09 .--'_' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-- - - --' þ Ever wanted to become a vampire..... ³ Well here is your key, just listen to that rhythm and you'll ÜÛÜ ³ be an bloodaddict 4ever.. #:) Û þ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-þ I would like to thank Malice 4 inspiring me traxing this tune.. Plz...... TiS we want "u" back soon..... Greetz flies out to: îîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîî Xetrov, Jacey, J/M/T/M, Desteny, JSB, Malice and everyone i've forgotten.... hope to see ya on SC soon......... --------------------- --------------------- /^FoZ out!
Harpsich Heavenly Mystic gaia3 Muller poiano ambient ambient roar flute ambient 025 ORGAN-C3 DSPNOC3 awak2 lark4 string6 Tubular Bells Orchestra Hit Tremolo Strings heartbeat Pedal Hi-Hat (Orchestra) Tambourine (Orchestra) Ride Cymbal 2 (Orchestra) 01- Christof Theme C3STREN1 VRBFLUTE shpad arpbass01 DOUBSC2 049 dru,m b 008 009 chhs chhl 202BM3 01- Prague Petrin 270- PLEAD3_WAV 01- HH1A1 3_WAV squeakM4 11- SP1A3 3_WAV 06- SP1A1 2_WAV thunder2 Bellchur 01- pg21006E_wav 01- rata0 2_wav 01- rata0 6_wav 01- HH1A3 1_WAV voxloop2 01- HH1A0WH3_WAV 01- ms1diea3_wav A61-3 Tremolo Strings MCBSC3 gaia3 chimes untitled ntitled ntitled ntitled Tubular Bells Orchestra Hit Tremolo Strings Tremolo Strings remolo Strings Tremolo Strings Tremolo Strings Tremolo Strings arp untitled Harp Harp Harp Harp Gt. Feedback Gt. Feedback Gt. Feedback Gt. Feedback Gt. Feedback Gt. Feedback Gt. Feedback Steel Drums Metal Pad Metal Pad Metal Pad Metal Pad Metal Pad Steel Drums untitled ntitled Orchestra Orchestra Orchestra Orchestra Orchestra Orchestra Orchestra Orchestra Orchestra Electronic 01- Christof Theme untitled untitled ntitled ntitled Asiangon CZ-SWEP1 01- Prague SilverMines 01- Prague Petrin Pizzicato Pizzicato Pizzicato untitled untitled untitled ntitled 01- BELLCHUR_WAV ntitled ntitled untitled Tremolo Strings Tremolo Strings Tremolo Strings Tremolo Strings Tremolo Strings untitled untitled
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