Heart of Ice [FriTz] (fr_heart.it)
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____ _____ Title - Heart of Ice / __/___ __ /_ _/____ Time - 3:09 / _/ / _// / / / /_ / Style - Ambient /_/ /_/ /_/ /_/ / /__________________________________________________ (C) Copyright 1999 /____________________________________________________/ By FriTz of Mistigris 1/11/99 I'd just like everyone to know... I hate snow. In fact, I hate winter in general. If I had my way, I'd be kick'n back in some Bahamas condo, gambling to my heart's content with that girl I met in my Junior year of high school. But for some twisted reason it just doesn't work like that. This song was a break from all of the songs I've been trying to work on whenever I had time. Balancing a job, 400/500-level classes, my music, my writing, being the president of 2 organizations, a girlfriend, and just everyday things like eating & breathing is a real pain in the ass. Anyway, it's been a while since I've done a purely ambient piece and because I haven't had time to properly experiment with Impulse Tracker I figured that I'd try a few things out (world vol effects, "virtual channels", channel effects, etc). Kudos to King Pooh, Cindy, Golden, anime, Clayton, the loser L5R people at BME & UK, AEG, Xavier, Holly no imouto-chan, coffee, Frank, Rebecca, Takahashi-sensei, Lyn, my followers in CoRR, the people who actually listen to me in AMUK, and all of my fellow lunatics in MiST. Email: fritzmods_hotmail.com FriTzMods Webpage (scroll down for info): http://sac.uky.edu/~cdheim0/main/music/cgm.html Even though it hasn't been updated, you'll still find all of my songs available. This includes the Hey Man Nice Shot Remix as well as other songs which were never made publically available. Next song being released: The Very Last Cup of Sorrow -a remix & dedication to the now defunct Faith No More-
Piano-LPC Twinkle Panflute Fantasia Ride Cymbal Strings 1 Piano-LPC Twinkle Panflute Fantasia Strings 1 Ride Cymbal
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