ouistreham (gg_ouis.xm)
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The Good StuffSummary
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g r o n d a g r o n d a presents o u i s t r e h am sept 1998, uk web: come.to/tracker.music email: justinf_dircon.co.uk darkside2-gund Bassd01.wav (909 pack) darkside2-ambient2a
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Hmm, short this one is, yes. Under 4 minutes, it shouldn't get old. Ok, the first minute may make you gag, but starting with the second "verse" of this song, it begins to sound real nice, at least until the "vocals" (the screaming ones). It's a fast paced keyboard with some background and what sounds like a mouth... I actually liked the mouth though :) Everything was technically right with this song. Maybe you could critique the change of song in the middle, but it made it better musically. High quality samples are always a plus, the patterns were good most of the time. And again, it's unique in its own little way.