EXoTiC ToXiC MiX(ture) (gh-ex.it)
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████████████████████████╥ █ █ EXoTiC ToXiC MiX (99) █ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ █ █ PaRt 1: EXoTiC (melody) █ PaRt 2: ToXiC (trance) █ PaRt 3: MiXTuRe (house) █ █ (So iT's CaLLeD As █ ExoTiC ToXiC MiX) █ █ LeNGHt: (8:43) █ CoMPoSeR: GHoSt █ █ [FRoM FiNLaNd] █ ████████████████████████╥ █ █ THiS PieCe HaVe BeeN █ MaDe WiTH AWE32 SuPPoRt █ █ IF You HaVe SB16 YoU █ DoN't GeT FuLL QUaLiTy █ oF SaMPLeS. █ █ I HoPe YoU STiLL ENJoy █ ████████████████████████╥ █ █ E-Mail : █ Ghost_280682.yahoo.com █_______________________ █ █ GReeTiNGS To ALL WHo █ KNoWs Me . . . █ ████████████████████████╥ CLSd HiHat 1 MeTaL dRuM CLaP OPN HiHat CRaSH CLSd HiHat 2 BaSS KiCK MeLoDy SyNTH "ARe YoU ReAdy ? ? ?" "No TURNiNg BaCK NoW" FRoM THe BaByLoN FiVe MiGHTy RiSe BRoKeN STRiNg LooP JuMpy ONe JuMpy tWo JuMpy tHRee BaSS STRiNg + WiUUUU ... VeRy STRaNGe BLoCk SyNtH PWoU 1 PWoU 2 HoUSe LoW BaSS BaSiC STRiNg HoUSe BaSS ReaL RiSiNg BRoKeN STRiKe LoNG SyNtH 1 LoNG SyNtH 3 HaRd CLaP BaSS STRiKe SCRaTCh NiCe ONe BaSS STRiNg + WiUUUU ... DoWNFoRCe ReaLLy QuiCK SCRaTCH TaMBoR JuNGLe FLuTe SHaKeR RiSiNG SNaRe BaSS + WoU BaSS + DRRR MiNoR SyNtH RiSiNg SiuuH "Gaah" + MeGa SCRaTCh HaPPy MeLoDy OPeNiNg Fx TRaNCe STRiNg ReVeRCe CyMBaL "WoU" STaB Get SoMe SPeeD
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