Ghost House of Fun (ghof.xm)
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WuHaHaHaHa! BOO! Welcome to the... Ghost House of Fun constructed by Razmatan_iki in association with Drunken Missile Game constructors ------------------ This is quite a nice gothic style mod. I don't know what inspired me to make G.H.O.F who knows maybe it was my great aunt :) ----------------- Greets to...... Mark Pay Goble The Dmissile Members and all of the klik and play MIRC channel regulars.... :) Acidbass.smp
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This song starts with some church organ and is then accompanied by some other god-ish sound, then the drums start. The drums keeps a good tempo and the song is average. The organ sounds false sometimes but perhaps that was made deliberetly. Still it gets kinda boring after a while, same melodys and not much happens. I have nothing to add about the sample quality, everything is 8-bit but sounds ok anyway. The song is 3:28 and was kind of strange and not that interesting, still kinda catchy.