A glimmer of hope (glimmer.xm)
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>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<< A GLIMMER OF HOPE >>>>>>>> <<<<<<<< > composed by : Mr. STEWE > from : PsykkoPhobia Bros. E-mail : Voles_Hotmail.com Address : Stepan Voles Jindrichovska 3 Jablonec n. Nisou 466 02 The Czech Republic Europe _ PsykkoPhobia Brothers, Ltd. 1998
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
This starts out with a piano and some other sounds that sounds like a choir, kind of cool. Then another sound comes in and drums soon comes too, making this a dancetune. Still the samples used makes a good dreamtune, with cool choir and lots of echoes and such. This tune is very well put together and i like the dreamy way this tune flyes. This is very advanced dancemusic, and i think it would fit very good onto a autioCD. All samples are of superb quality and the music is perfect and layed out very good. I asked myself this question: Does Mod dancemusic get any better?