Gnosis = Insanity?? (
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Hy, I am here again to tell something about Gnosis. I watched some classes about this and I liked it, but it's strange. The main idea is: Make you live in the 4th plan (in dream), but it's confuse because we aways go there but sleeping. I had an experience these days: I saw my body on the bad, with the eyes opened, and I was flying around my room, and I waked up with a car's sound There are seven plans: 1st - Mineral plan 2nd - Vegetal plan 3rd - Material plan (human) 4th - Astral plan (dream) 5th - Conscience (time) 6th - ** (I don't remember now) 7th - God (the verb makes everything) This song is separated in the following parts: Death 00:00 to 01:00 Astral Plan 01:00 to 02:38 Insanity 02:39 to 04:07 The Truth 04:08 to 04:55 That's all folks. Sahaj Maituna - NeM Group
Gnosis = Insanity?? 4:55 by Sahaj Maituna _________________________ __ /\/ /_ /\/\ / / /_ / / / Group NoiS eH MaD _________________________ Send Email: More Musics: potrancksz _________________________ Press-Shift-F9(IT) Long Life to Dream Theater Press-Shift-F9(IT) For Message May, 8th of 1999
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A song with a plot. This is one dealing with death, the afterlife, and the truth(?)But other than that this is a pretty cool song. Great rhythms by the piano/guitar synth and great drums also. It's got some grunge in there also. Pretty good music, but it does not have what the French would call, 'Geno se qua' Tracked, sampled, and "effected" very well. The samples are awesome sounding, and the fade at the end gives a great feeling, like the song was actually completed instead of just ending like some artists/authors do. It appeals to several music types I believe, but it still lacks that one .. I can't put my finger on it. I can't put my finger on it because they're being used to type, HAHAHA... I've said too much