"The Theme from ..." (funklo1.xm)
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The Funk Lord Of USA ------[presents ]---- "The Theme From The Love-Van" Basic Funky Breakbeat. The Funk Lord Of USA AKA Steven Wright. Contact: Stevenwright_hotmail. com info about me: name:Steven Wright age:32 occupation:Detroit, Louisianna. family:girlfriend. influences: funky stuff! Greetings must go 2: gronda gronda dj psyko dj belsebub corzo modarchive.com my girlfriend. funky guitar _thefunklordofusa 1998 funky guitar phase _thefunklordofusa 1998 Breakbeat _? LoBass _Keith303 Crash _? 909-hat _? LowSnare _djpysko Minimoog _Assign String and Choir _Dac Strings _Glejs funky guitar[cut] _thefunklordofusa 1998
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Nice funky beat to this mod, but its just a little too repetitive to be worthy of a higher score. Good high quality samples. Very well constructed.