The Golden Rose (goldrose.xm)
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The Golden Rose Composed by Malakyte If you want me for some odd reason look for me on DALnet I might make another song or 2 sometime Ya never know :) fare well for now ;) Email: Piano3 piano sample by zodiak / cascada Piano Piano Piano Piano -.o shades of night i
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Apparently, this is the first tune the author has ever made. I'll just pull out one of my own favorite tracking rules: Never release the first few songs you make. Especially not if they're like this one. It sounds like some sort of experimental piano-battering. No tune, no understanding of the chords, no rythm. No music. No effects whatsoever are used in this tune. For the echo-effect, the author has actually loaded the same sample 4 (four!) times, each with a lower default volume. The samples are actually ok... they've just been used badly.