Goobye Russia! (goodbyer.xm)
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The Good StuffSummary
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Composed by Dmitry Lozovoy Please, contact me: 3c_long.wav Ensembl4.wav 2_g.wav Flatman4.wav Melo4_c4.wav Celchor3.wav 3c_long.wav X3marca2.wav Close_02.wav 808cymbl.wav Clasic01.wav Smorphi2.wav Base_one.wav Power_02.wav 808close.wav Crash1.wav Real2.wav
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The harmony in this song is very good. With a bit more work it could be in a movie where a person is living his homecountry by train or something. It's a sad but nice song. If you're in the mood for it, I'd say download it! The chords are very well arranged with the main piano, and this make it sound very professional. The effects and the instrument use is barely average, but the tune is a bit simple, so not much is needed. The chord changes is a factor that pulls this mod up to an average.