Holy Hand Grenade 2 (grenade2.xm)
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Holy Hand Grenade 2 by Morgan ------------------- Contact me at morgan19_yahoo.com Or visit http://members.xoom. com/Morgan19/ ------------------- Smash14.iff pianoa2 pianoc1 pianoc2 pianoc5 pianoc4 ยท Smash17.iff Snare19.iff Snare18.iff GRENADE.WAV GRENADE.WAV Let's_go.raw Kla.smp ONE.WAV TWO.WAV THREE.WAV push1 part II FIVE.WAV Mercy.wav Finger Bass .38 Trumpet Another Rave In Paradi Dist Guitar.Long NoName NoName lifting some eyebrows Bom-echo.wav chord violence piejesu1 piejesu2
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Now, I like Monty Python as much as the next guy, and I must admit it was slightly amusing to hear 'blow thy enemies to tiny bits' in a song like this. Unfortunately, it's not a very good song. It is very repetitive, and it was probably made with the sole purpose of using the MP samples. You don't really notice any real talent here. This is the kinda tune you hear once, maybe rip the samples from, and that's it. This song contains 37 samples (of which 2 are never used), and takes up about 1.7 megs (!). You'd never notice all the samples just listening to the song, and on top of that, a lot of them stink. Actually the song lacks just about all technical qualities, without effects, and no effective use of envelopes. Proper chord work, harmonies, structure and such are not present. It gets 4.5 for the humor.