halooo! kuuluuko? (HALOO.S3M)
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Croaker of Halcyon '95 for PARTY '95 multichncompo play with MONO!!!! samples: 1-20 by Shrine/Halcyon 21 by me 22 ripped from nuke greetings to: Shrine, Mirror, Polarm, Plc, Blitz, Feather, dune, der piipo, apeli, fortune. ja vielä.. 3 kanavan Uppo-Nalle on selvästi H O M O ! että siltä pohjalta.. off novoisunperkele.. onkohan tää nyt sitten vireessä vai ei?!?!
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A relaxing synth background sets the scene, covered by a flowing organ-like tune. The tune seems of almost a lounge influence. A soft breakbeat drives the song to keep it's passive energy going. Overall this song is enchanting and easy listening. The artist uses his samples wisely to create a very flowing melody that is very rich in texture. Well placed drum loops drive the song on, while the carefully layered melodies carry it home.