((Bloodlust)) (ibldlst.it)
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Whoa everyone...the song messages are back...whew this one was tough to make yeah. Its my best song so far. There are new features to the song info on the instruments page. Too bad the sample credits had to go..... Well anyway i have to tell you about my web site and junk ok?........ -Akuma Pan of Ignition Ignition web site- http://members.aol.com/IgnitionM Akuma Pan Land- http://members.aol.com/Akumapan83 Email me- Akumapan83_aol.com Alex Mauer 10.18.1997 I G N I T I O N Greetings- Chris Ploran, Iceman, Pleonist, Mazedude, Rainman, Nihilist, KagatoX, Rabite Man, CaRnAgE Special Greetings- NOiSE, KFMF, Chill, PFS, Future Crew
Hollows Kick Rimshot Clap Bass Bass Hum Guitar Hihat ------------------------- Bloodlust by Akuma Pan (Alex Mauer) of Ignition Music Prod. ========================= Time- Date- 10.18.1997 Style- Ballad ------------------------- Sample credits have been discontinued due to inacuracy and frustration Have a nice day!!!
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
The song has a fairly nice chord progression; Akuma Pan obviously has some natural musical talent. However, the song repeats elements too much and by the end has become somewhat boring. Some sort of solo or bridge section may have helped this tune a great deal. The origin of the title is an absolute mystery to me. There are no major technical deficiencies with this mod; however, there's nothing technically spectacular about it either. The samples are adequate and the lead sample is unobtrusive. It seems that the artist concentrated on the technical aspect of this mod just enough to support the melody, no more.