The Night I Died (idie.xm)
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J/M/T/M Pre$ent$: "The Night I Died" FILE INF0 * * * * * $tyle: Ambient Length: 3:50 DOB: 2003.08.17 Ye$, It has finally happend, I died, g0t a $w0rd plunged right thr0ugh my $t0mach, hah, it'$ quite ir0nic, I alway$ fancied my$elf a$ a rather g00d fighter! But n0w,I'm dead, well n0t c0mpletely dead yet, that i$, I'm t00 weak t0 m0ve, all I can d0 i$ lie here 0n the r00f and watch the night sky until I $l0wly but $urely bleed t0 death fr0m my gut wound. A$ I watch the $ky and the $tar$, I realize that a great calm ha$ de$cended up0n me, I can feel the tide$ 0f the univer$e in uni$0n with me, I feel the $tar$ twinkle and I d0n't fear death at all n0 m0re. The $tar$ turn 0ver my head, and I feel light like a feather, and I feel my life $l0wly fading away int0 the night... The night c0me$ and pull$ me t0 her b0z0m a$ I draw my final breath, cl0$e my eye$ and die at0p the r00f $0 high. [END] 0pen Hihat $mall blip c0mm0n 0rgan _ J/M/T/M $nare _ J/M/T/M HolyGhost.spacey Clap Nice break St0t0s3.wav Va04_l~1.wav
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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