H A R V Y I I (harvyii.s3m)
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strings chord Timpani piano big orch hit timp. roll w/cymbol shaker stiff bd sd symbol symbol on bel cutting block out cutting blovk in vibraphone shaker loose orchestra hit hitass beat Vocals guitar cry 1996 BigpiE ProDuctioNs ..wow can you beleive it -1996- well for the 1st jam of the new year i thought i'd recall the all-time classic H a r v y, redone a little better :) have fun be cool stay golde dchekan_microserve.net <- ε=]
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Imagine a few orchestral instruments mixed with a drum beat and a scattering of various ripped synth samples in a style that is best described as confused and you have HarvyII. Even the name is lame. Technically this song is OK and the guitar lead shows some skill, but his use of tympany for any type of melody is dubious.