Heavens - Part Deux (heavens2.xm)
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bY: pOW fINISHED: 20.01.99 dURATION: 04:36 --* ||||| *-- hAPPY nEW yEAR eVERYONE!! tHIS iS mY fIRST mOD tHIS yEAR, aND iT sUCKS eVEN mORE tHAN bEFORE...eUUFF.. ;) lATE nIGHT gREETZ fLY oUT tO aLL fRIENDS iN tHE sCENE, aND aLL yOU nOSTALGIC dOSKPOP lOVERS :) cONTACT mE: tskaara_online.no home.sol.no/'tskara fOR aNY rEASON!! .pOW. .pOISE rECORDS. .eXPOSURE. .1999. hEY tHERE sTUPID ;)
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The second part of Heavens, with a little less effect than previous, but its still a well made techno tune. Especially surprises the fact that almost no patterns repeat. Never saw such a wonderful thing in techno modules. The most interesting thing of the first part beautiful strings background also exists here, but less interesting and with lower volume. Instead you can see a large assortiment of traditional techno style synths and quite uninteresting beat. But if you already have the first part and like it just go on and download the second one too!