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Music by Kenny Hammond Okay, here's an .IT... I'm definitely staying with tracking .MODs.
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This song tend to be anoying most of the time, unfortunately. There are a quite lack of independent, quality-sounding notes; and thereby it can't be any good. It's a 4-channel module, and it's therefor very hard to get a decent sounding feel to it (there are very good 4-channel songs, but they are done often by professionals). The drums, or percussion, would have needed both a regularly use of a kick and snare to punch down the beat; this module got overused hihats and are quite repetetive all the way with fabrical volume-pitching. The snare which is used seems to be tracked randomly. The baseline are octave-based, and got no breakpoints with any unique sounding to it. Strings got nothing special to it, except that its too volumed. The flute-melody, is infact quite cool and addictive, fits quite well along the side with the baseline:) Corrections and suggestions for the composer: If you're only willing to make 4-channel modules, fine; but you should consider to use more channels, don't make the music too noisy, a basedrum SHOULD be presented (the basedrum got many sides and affects every songs right from the basic), you should also think of that you don't need to fill in every note within the pattern; some breaks with silence and presentations of parts of the song has a good effect and makes the tune variated. And try to choose more creative samples! Technically, there are no risks taken. Only effects used are volume-sets and volume-slides, else then that theres none. Don't think that a song is good if it looks complicated, its the actual SOUND thats important, but by using some effects you got a few more tons of possibilities. Samples are not good; very old and electronic feeling to it. Some of them are too loud and should be overally modified; especially the strings. No panning = no stereo. Mark to composer: learn and experience how the effects could be used for getting more unique sounding, and find more elegant and "glammy" samples! Listen to more music (of high quality) and think of what have been done. With a better presentation of the musical, everything could hear decent. Gain more experience with trackers. To the audience: I have to say that this tune is not that downloadable and/or too listenable. But to the composer: Better luck next time, and practise makes master!