Indian sunset dream (
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Track name> Indian sunset dream Composers > Razorwave, Aqualife Lenght > 3.36 Channels > 22 Style > Synth techno, Ambient Released > 5th at February 2001 Composing time> 6-8 hours...quite fast! Commests about this track> This track was very interesting project, it was going to be only a synth techno track but I wanted to something special, the inca guitar brings some indian sounds. Thanx/Greez> to all other trackers and composers! Story> You are riding with elephant in beatiful India, colorful sunset, stars, heat, animals are around you...
DreamPluckSynth Tambourine.2 HatPerco ClosedHihat.1 Pluck HardTech.HiHat Plim BrightSound 1 SoundTrack.loop Crash Minor2Chord Ter2Chord Sus1Chord HH BdHH.1 Popsnare BdCym Tenor Saxophone Bassdrum Hihat close Noisy StringBass (Mixed) SynStringChord.Minor STRING BASSDRUM Basedrum Mystic Hihat close Claps Tom Bassline SynthAxe.Lead DreamPluckSynth Closedhihat Bass Inca guitar Crash Basedrum Hihat close Tamborine Snare String Elephant drum ========================= ~Indian sunset dream~ by>Aqualife,Razorwave =========================
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