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The Good StuffSummary
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october 22, 1997 -- i suppose i wrote this tune as sort of a birthday present to myself, not to mention for inclusion to the WMR musicdisk. i believe that it really is my best work so far, and certainly the first decent tune to come from the depths of my brain since mc5. yes, mc5 was not that long ago, but writing 'twilight groove' left me quite exhausted and even wondering if i could ever bring myself to track anything else again. nevertheless, i struggled through, wrote 'the song i couldnt name', which was, now that i look back on it, something of a dress rehearsal for this track here. yes, before you ask, i am aware of how this tune 'rambles' on and on, going from one idea to the next in relatively short times. was this intentional, you ask? well, yes and no. i think that i was intending to write something of a collage of styles, but i also think that i wanted to develop each idea further, since i think that many different parts in this track could be developed into entire songs themselves. however, i'm glad i kept it the way it is, since i feel that the ideas stay fresh, and dont become watered down by repetition. many of the samples i used are original. the d50 samples were made by myself and god (who operated the sampler while i played the keyboard), and are from, of course, a roland d50. the samples from the ensoniq vfx were made by rimbo and me, rimbo doing most of the sampling, and both of us banging on the keys. the rest are from ozone (the piano), and pulse (everything else). big thanks go out to boris, who spends more time organizing the WMR site and handling reviews than any human should be allowed to. it really is an awesome service, and is the only place where people can have pages and pages written up about their modules. so go visit the site already! http://www.cyberverse.com/~boris/WMR/wmr-index.html quick greets fly out to god, rimbo, trinel, behemoth, beek, normal, and of course parity error. -- .andy.
(vfx)drumkit (7) grandpiano (6) (vfx)strings[slow] (2) (vfx)strings[quick] (2) (d50)tines (2) (d50)celestia (1) (vfx)clocktower bells (1) electric bass (1) toy bell (sus) (1) toy bell (1) electronic lead (1) sinewave (1) analog lead (1) fantasia (1) (d50) celestia (d50) tine lead (d50) tine bass (vfx) sweet strings (hi) (vfx) sweet strings (lo) (vfx) clock tower (vfx) bass drum (vfx) snare (vfx) closed hihat (vfx) open hihat (vfx) tambourine crescendo cymbal analogsynth lead sin wave1 electric bass fantasia toy bell electronic lead grandpiano.c2 $scc grandpiano.c3 $scc grandpiano.c4 $scc grandpiano.c5 $scc grandpiano.c6 $scc grandpiano.c7 $scc ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ (c)1997 nemesis cataclysmic.miraculous thick analogue ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ shift-f9 for message. contact me: nemesis_crl.com +1(415)382-0161
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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