7RANSCEND - By Fraze (hf_trans.xm)
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FRAZE (of CLIQUE & MBTP) presents...... 7RANSCEND (August 99 Edit) Play in FT2 and really quite loud. Distortion and other nasty sounds may be present in IT- U've been warned (Good sounds only in FT2 uc) Email: MrFraze_yahoo.com Homepage: www.frasershouse. freeserve.co.uk Track completed: August 1999 Is it just me or is this my best xm to date? I'm now a member of a brand spanking new tracker group called CLIQUE:- All kinds of music from around the world and only the best trax get in. Link will be on my homepage. And get some pumpin' tunes from MBTP... http://members.xoom .com/mbtp Greetings to:- Alien Puggers! Techno Sqwarril! Scampi Simon! GuitarTwangingGraham! Your neighbours! GuruYu! hT! Boshan! Samplejerk! The MBTP crew! & all those wonderful clever people voting in the August 99 Ultim8 Mod Compo! Unknown Orion Chuck Biscuits Unknown Gronda Gronda Pow Pow TBO & Vega Fraze Fraze Fraze Fraze Glejs Codi Fraze 707_hhc.wav Glejs 130dr025.wav Codi / You n'B Unknown Darkhalo Codi Burkey Glejs Fraze Rapture Clap.xi Glejs Fraze Fraze Fraze Fraze Fraze Fraze Fraze
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