subchaos-psychedelic (jo-subch.xm)
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S U B C H A O S by Deadly Cosmic Rays (cj-john) e-mail >>>>>>>> i wanna know your opinion.Thanx 6:02 clap bass melo bass3 space atmosphera SNOWBOARDING IS COOL hit trance 1 2 3 4
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ahhh, MY subject....hmm, well the song isn't all bad. Simple yet good rhythm, interesting samples, good beat, and a nice driving factor that gives it a little oomph. Now the bad: just little things, such as a veeeeery long intro to what we were expecting anyway, and this song is REPETATIVE, its repetative...repetative is what it is....but not too bad, just boring. now here's where the song falters. While the use of instruments is good, and the echoing acid synths are a great touch, the song feels rather empty, being only minimaly layered, and sporting an ending so out of whack it would make charles manson cry...I have the feeling this was one of the composers first mods....and if thats the case its not too bad...